The Resurrection Body

I think this concept is probably one of the most profound concepts that I've ever encountered. To think that we will be able to get a new body is the coolest idea. Imagine what we'll able to do with it, travel the stars, bend physics to our will, never sin, never cry, never face another illness again. How glorious! How majestic! I think God can design a much better body than anything man can dream up. Science is the grand delusion. It has clouded man's heart. You can't get to heaven without God. You can't get a new body without Him either. Science thinks it can transfer man's consciousness into robots to live forever. How delusional! Even if they could, God would still bring their deeds to judgement. Only through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and repentance can you get a new body. How simple, how beautiful. No one can compare.

1 Corinthians 15:49

And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

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